Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the sound of birds and tipico

I think it always feels good to get out of the city. And thank heavens it feels good coming back. After my quickest flight from coast to coast ever yesterday, I returned to a city still trekking through the last dregs of winter. After spending a week in a city where there were COLORS popping out of the ground, I thought this return may be a let-down. On the contrary, it felt great to get back home. And it feels like home. Soon after I lugged my 49 lb. bag and various carry-ons up my three flights of stairs, I popped out to grab some lunch at Jou Jou's. Walking through my neighborhood, I realized that's what it felt like, my neighborhood. In my city. I have made a place for myself here and I belong here. I have a snug, light-filled apartment of my very own. With two dear friends and the loveliest rascal of a dog I'm so glad we took in off the streets. This is mine, this is my life, and I made it.