Thursday, April 16, 2009

some Reasons to look forward to summer:

in no particular order

I am actually watching this one tonight, a friend had a copy of DVD. I am generally vehemently against film pirating, but he had it... right there... and it was free for me... (yes I am ashamed)
The Time Traveler's Wife. Guuuuuuuuuuhh!!! THIS HAD BETTER BE GOOD!!! I wish it were Rachel McAdams and Paul Bettany, but whatever casting director...
Have you seen the latest trailer for this? IT LOOKS DELICIOUSLY AND BACK CRAWLINGLY DARK. I. can't. wait. I shut my eyes already just thinking about the end. The trailer looks pretty effects-heavy, which I am generally against, but it does look like the director was influenced by Alfonso Cuaron's exploration into and interest in creepy under-water movement. I approve of that.
Oh why hello Hayao Miyazaki, another delightful film for us to feast on? Why thank you!
My favorite part of the trailer is a tie between Maggie Gyllenhaal and Allison Janney.
Guuuuuuuhh!!! My toes curl!!!

You already know my thoughts. Can't wait for the Fall.


Rebecca said...

HP is at the top of my list, so if I can only see one, that's the one I want to see. !!! That's my favorite of the books.

And I <3 Allison Janney.