Friday, July 06, 2007

Just some thoughts

My apartment is a mess. I still haven't unpacked and kara left for a week so I have no one to be clean for but myself. And I don't mind a little untidiness. But cleaning checks are tomorrow, so I get to clean the whole place by myself.

Flirting should not be allowed at the gym. Very uncomfortable.

It's hot here.

Instead of being Calpurnia in Julius Ceasar, I am now Casca, the "it's all greek to me" guy. I feel great about that. First rehearsal is tonight. Good thing, because I've had stuff to do every night this week but tonight, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

Living alone is great so far, except for at night.

I've enjoyed my wee break, but come on now, I need a job. My temp agency is not coming through on this one. And my sleeping schedule is way off.

Another friend from high school is getting married soon. Yikes, I expected BYU friends to get married, but high school friends? That makes me feel weird.