Saturday, September 01, 2007

I am HOT

I can't believe how hot it is. Every. Day. I wake up hot (Aunt Susan doesn't have air conditioning.) I shower and feel refreshed, but soon get hot again as I blow dry and straighten my hair. Very hot things around my face. I get some relief at work where I am usually cold, but any forray to the car brings the sweat trickling back. And then the Castle. Oh the Castle. The Castle soaks in the sun all day, the amphitheatre essentially becomes a brick oven. If I show up with my hair nicely fresh and smooth, it soon becomes slightly frizzy and wonky. Not to mention the sweat which trickles down my back. I know. Gross. Welcome to my life. I think I sweat more post-gym revolution. Throughout the show I sweat. My shirt is pretty well soaked by the end. Gross. And I'm writing this on my public blog why? The heat has fried my brain.

Today I went to Swiss Days in Midway and it was HOT. I couldn't believe how much I sweat. I actually didn't feel that hot, but the sweat seeping from my pores was more than enough to convince me of how hot it actually was. Someone in my cast doesn't sweat, and I can't tell you how jealous that makes me.

So instead of going back to my aunt's house, (though I really should take a nap in that hammock of hers), I am here at Borders, paying for internet. Because I LOVE the internet and I hate not having it at my beck and call any time of the day or night.


Nick said...

i did take that photo on top of the rock. i'm glad we're blogging friends now too.