Friday, January 25, 2008

Oh Jo. Part II

My new haircut. Newly altered.
I was not best pleased with my haircut. From a new stylist. Though I liked the stylist very much, it's obvious she's a great stylist, she just wasn't my stylist. So after wearing the cut for a week, I went back today. I hope I (she) made it better, but I'm not 100% positive I did. She basically thinned it out more, razored it up some, created more layers on top. So it's less bulky now. I'm still not totally sold, and my heart yearns for Summer, my stylist of old who made my hair sexy. But at this point I'll just have to make do. These pictures at least make it look similar to what I was striving for:
That's the haircut I had when I went to Denver.

Even though I had grown my hair out for a while, and was enjoying it long, I had received so many compliments on my hair when it was short like that. People would say "That is THE perfect cut for you!" I don't understand why-- I have a round face, aren't bobsish things not supposed to be good for that? But I can't deny that I liked it too, at the time, so I thought returning to something I knew I looked good in for my auditions was a good idea. Or was it.
Because this longish hair was looking pretty good too, despite the expression.

P.S. Someone at W.S. asked me if I was part-Asian. Weird, no?


Catherine Elizabeth said...

More than one person has asked me if I'm part-asian too. Must be a family trait.

Erin said...

I'm thinking I'm liking the look of it...

BruceMcc said...

Hey there!

I thought that after three or so months of quietly peaking around your blog, I'd finally make an appearance.

I can't recall how I came across your blog, but I'm most definitely glad that I did, but I greatly enjoy reading what you have to say.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I thought your new hair cut looked fantastic.



Anonymous said...

Grandma Sorensen was called a Jap growing up because of her sleek dark hair. Both Anne and I were both told we looked Asian while living in Asia, by Asians. Catherine also gets it here. It's in your blood.


Sara said...

I was checking your blog and my dad walked in and said "are you looking at pictures of yourself?"

And he'd hardly had any champagne yet, so we must be almost twins. Just so you know.

Emily Burnworth said...

I'm really liking it. Break both legs this week!