Monday, April 24, 2006

Spring Fever

I think BYU has chosen the worst time to have finals. It's that glorious time of year that Spring is waking up and all I want to do is go outside and be a part of it! I feel like by the time I'll actually get to pay attention to it-- Thursday-- the best parts will be over. For a week before finals you can't expect students to really be able to take advantage of the outdoors. And blossoms are already falling off of trees. I need to revel in this time when it's warm, but not too warm. All too soon that Utah sun will be glaring at me, zapping all the strength out of me. I feel like the sun hates me in the summer. But right now he's my friend and I can't come out and play, I need to stay in my room and work work work to win this race against the clock. If only I didn't have to sleep. Sometimes I try to compromise between the two extremes of playing outside and working inside by reading while laying on my grass. But let's face it, my yard is not a yard, it's a patch of grass next to the road, and more often than not I'll lapse into day dreams. Too much of my work relies on a computer to go farther than my yard, and I like to think I get more work done if I force myself to sit in my room. Well, only a couple more days to go, and then I'll be free as a bird for three days, except for those hours of working in the bookstore...

At least it looks pretty ouside of my window.