Monday, April 23, 2007

What do we do?

Here's some good news of the day:
Advanced Acting is over, and I felt pretty good about my monologues, even if my technique was showing. How embarrassing.

Senior Recital is over. I'm not totally happy with how it went, but I don't feel bad about it either. And I feel awesome about how many people came. And I do think I've done some of my best work in that class, even if not in the final performances of the pieces. I'm proud of what I've done. I'm so glad I got to do that Clearing scene, I love it.

I got my grant for that Denver Center workshop. Now that I've got the money to do it, they probably won't accept me. But here's hoping. They gave me $1,200 and I feel great about it.

NYC is less than a week away, hurray! On my to-do list while I'm there? Not much. Just some awesome shows I've picked out. I'm open to other suggestions (thanks Erin!) But here's what I sure will be doing: relaxing. I haven't had a real break since August. When I fly away on Sunday morning I will be free as a bird and I am going to relish it. NYC is all fun. Happy graduation to me.

So I had my last day of classes last Tuesday. My last day of college. It hasn't sunk in. Maybe it will come August when I'm feeling that back-to-school urge. For now, I'm doing alright. I just hope a freak out doesn't attack me from nowhere. I don't think it will. I've got plans. And I'm looking forward to the potential of Seattle. I've heard so many positive things about it, and people say it's gorgeous, so I'm loving that prospect. I think this will be good. I'm not expecting to be cast as soon as I get out there, I hear it takes a while to break into the circle. This forced hiatus from plays has at least taught me that life without being in a play is enjoyable. And I know I will at least have one friend there.

Oh, and I'm going to be in Julius Caesar. Despite my disappointing callback performance. And I never wrote about how my Little Women callback went really well. It did. I felt great about my singing and acting, and I had fun with the dancing. It was a really good experience, and helps give me confidence in the singing area especially. Laurie ran into me in the hall one day before the cast list went up and told me that if I was going to be a student in the fall, she would have cast me as Jo, but since I won't be a student, she couldn't cast me. Which I respect. I'm so glad she told me, kind of bittersweet, but it's awesome knowing I would have been cast.