Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Don't let your expectations get too high...

I Loved it. I was expecting to at least dislike it, if not hate it. But I loved it. I am so glad the director is doing the next one too, I really hope that doesn't change. Even though they left plenty out of the film, I thought the adaptation was great. It captured the spirit of the book which is something only the third one has had for me so far. I think everyone acted better, especially Daniel Radcliffe, I am so relieved. And he is really attractive. I feel like a pedophile. Imelda Staunton was awesome. And Helena Bonham Carter. I liked Luna Lovegood and I can't stand her in the books, so that was nice. It was pretty dark, which I LOVE. I think these stories have a tendency to go into cheesey territory, but this film did a very nice job of avoiding that trap. It made me cry. I don't think it made most people cry though. I loved how this film managed to really integrate Harry Potter into our world, if that makes sense. It felt more real to me. I mean, that goes away as soon as you get to Hogwarts, but it was set up really nicely. Incredible cast. It would have been nice to spend a little more time exploring certain things like occlumency or the centaurs, but it did give the actors time to really communicate with each other, let things hit them and so forth. I felt that this director really cared about acting and communication, whereas I think in three out of the other four films, spectacle and action were greater priorities. This one had the spirit. This is how all the films (except the third) should be. Hermione's eyebrows still need to be toned down a little.

People need to learn how to turn their freaking cell phones off before a film starts. One went off right in front of me at THE worst moment in the film that it could have. I wanted to smack him/cuss him out.

I get incredibly frustrated when I love a film and other people don't. Slate and I had the OPPOSITE opinions on just about everything in the film and it kind of boggles my mind. I think, how can he possibly think this way, what is wrong with him? Though I know, other people's opinions are perfectly as valid as my own. I just can't fathom how he could be so indifferent or how we could see such different things going on with the actors. And it makes me angry. Which is silly, but it does. And I wish I could call someone else right now who saw it and who liked it and talk over all the good things about it. Instead, I write this blog, pretty vaguely so as to not ruin things for others.