Friday, June 22, 2007

No rest for the weary.

So you understand how crazy this week has been: I haven't checked my email since Monday. When I checked it in the library at lunch, saw there was nothing life or death and went to practice my scene with my partner. Now for those of you who have lived with me, you may know that I check my email constantly when I'm at home. And I hardly ever go a whole day without checking it. Only if I'm traveling. And even then, I usually find a way. Such was the busyness of this week. Which is now blessedly over.

Last weekend everyone was freaking out about all of the stuff that was due this week. Where was I? At the Botanic Gardens. Last Friday I took the car out to the movies: Paris, Je T'aime (which wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but I think shorts just aren't my preferred method of telling a story). So on Saturday I decided to venture a bit farther, and by myself, to the Botanic Gardens. They also fell short of my hopes. But to be fair, I have seen some freaking amazing gardens in my life, and in my opinion, nobody does gardens better than the English. Capability Brown anyone? Chatsworth anyone? Dreamy.

My main problem was that there wasn't anyplace to sit and read. Which is what I wanted. After a week of Denver Center, I'm exhausted on the weekends. The flowers were pretty, but there were so many peeeeople everywhere, and all of the benches were right on the paths. There was no place I could hideaway and feel like I wasn't in someone's way or that people weren't always looking at me. And the Secret Garden? Wasn't secret. Right smack in the middle of everything. What? Speaking of the Secret Garden, that was my soundtrack while I meandered through the gardens, I love that show so much.

After I spent a good long while in the gardens I headed back to the car. And since I was so close to Cherry Creek I decided to head down to the shopping center I'd heard about. And what did I find? A Whole Foods Market. I was in heaven. And quite overwhelmed.

On my way home, I saw this view. The mountains. They beckoned. If I lived here, I'd always want to be going to the mountains.

Sunday was a day of marathon rehearsals. I went from Spice Girls to The Royal Tennenbaums to Proof to Stop Kiss to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

And then Monday began. This week in Scene Study, we were allowed to do contemporary scenes if we wanted. And yes I did. There was one person who just wanted to keep doing her scene from last week, so I filled in and said I would do two scenes this week. I'm glad I did, but it made the hectic week all the more hectic. I performed in my classes every freaking day.

In Extended Character this week were doing a film monologue, a film scene, and Rockstar. My film monologue was from Eternal Sunshine, but it turned out to be too short, so then I did this awesome monologue of Claire Fisher's from Six Feet Under about people who put 'Support Our Troops' stickers on their SUVs. It was awesome. The best thing about doing film stuff is that you're just doing what the actor in the film did, so it actually gives you so much freedom/courage. These weren't my crazy choices (because Claire goes crazy in this scene), I was just doing what someone else did. Then for my film scene I did Margot Tennenbaum from The Royal Tennenbaums, the scene she has with Raleigh. It was awesome. Raccoon eyes for sure.

Scene Study went pretty well this week too. I love Proof, and I played Catherine, who I've wanted to play forever. Someday I will hopefully really play her. I love that play, it's so tight and so well told. I actually feel good about my work in my contemporary scenes which I never did with either of my Chekhov scenes. I also did a scene from Stop Kiss in which I played a lesbian! Goodbye to BYU limitations. No, it was not a hot and heavy lesbian scene, it was actually a really cute scene. And after our first preview (drum roll please) Jennifer said that we did EXCELLENT WORK. I was floored. It made my day. It made my week (well, Rockstar made my week...) But I could not believe it when she said that. I was exuberantly happy.

Trapeze this week killed. It's way fun, but it's way hard, and as we all know. I have rather disproportionate muscles, which doesn't work so well for trapeze. To be honest, it was a little humiliating. But trapeze is BEAUTIFUL. I want to get a personal trainer so that I can take a trapeze class because it's just so gorgeous. It's really cool that they teach it here, I love it. And Bob taught a lot of it this week too, I thought we were just going to get a taste. But the soreness of the musceles? Oh my heavens. And the blisters? I have been sore, blistered, and bruised 90% of the time I've been here.

Starbucks is closing, but I will have to tell you about Rockstar tomorrow because it was the most damn fun I have had in a long time.