Monday, February 20, 2006

I've made a huge mistake.

How many times must I learn the painful lesson: never cut your own bangs.


Anonymous said...

Laura, wha..Happened!!!??
I've lost my GD cellphone or I would call you.

Catherine Elizabeth said...

Laura, with a post like that, you must include a picture! Back when I had bangs, I always cut my own. I'll tell you the trick I used (which someone taught me, but I can't for the life of me remember who). Gather your bangs together between your finger and thumb, and twist them up. Then just trim off the bottom leaving the ends a little longer than you really want them. Let go, and ruffle your bangs, and check it out. If they're not short enough, simply repeat the process. (Obviously this doesn't work if you want your bangs cut straight across). I always got good results from this technique.

Debra Darling said...

Laura, I saw them and I adore them too. Even yesterday when I thought you cut all your hair it looked FABULOUS!
Much Love

Anonymous said...

I told you short bangs were in!!!

topher clark said...

Laura, the first thing I said when I saw you at Hailey's was that I thought your hair looked really cool. And I'm a BOY and I'm not supposed to even NOTICE those things!
