Thursday, December 11, 2008


Loved Slumdog Millionaire you guys. And it was indeed the most perfect follow-up to Shantaram.

I love Danny Boyle's films. I think there are some directors and some films that just speak my language, and Danny Boyle is one of those directors. This story, told by most other people, would have been trite or lame. In Boyle's hands it was beautiful, unique, and visually stunning. It's one of those movies that left me smiling for hours afterward, and supports my faith in believing in the good of mankind, even though so much crap goes on in the world, because Boyle does not spare us of the bad in Mumbai. He walks us right through it. Over and over again. And we still see goodness and love despite it all.

P.S. This film is rated R, but I'm a little upset about it because I don't think it should have been. Usually I couldn't care less about ratings, but this rating means that most people in my family, and many Mormons won't see it. Which is a shame, because I think anyone in my family would really enjoy this film. There is no swearing, sex, or graphic violence. There is some violence, but it's more like you know it's happening, you don't really see it. It's not graphic. What. a. shame.

P.P.S. I think I'm in love with that boy in the movie. And the actor was excellent. I loved watching every second of his performance. So honest.


Rebecca said...

I want to see this! It isn't playing in the theatre near me, so I have to go to the crap old people theatre if I want to see it. And they only show things for like a week, and at crappy times. AND they're more expensive than the nicer theatres. Sigh. Life is SO hard (dramadramadrama). I want s'mores.

Hailey said...

Ooh, I can't wait to see it!