Thursday, September 23, 2004

"Fringe is code for lack of consistency. Or training."

This blog has not flourished, but it will soon, I promise. Hopefully next week I will be able to catch up on all that has been left behind since school started. I have no idea what my last post was, but I'm in a Fringe show, a festival of short plays (supposedly ten minutes, but a couple are longer.) My show is called "Alas, Babel", written by the amazing Kevin Snow. I had auditioned for Fringe, but did not get cast. Until someone dropped out of this show, at which time they asked me to do it. Since the first rehearsal though, I've really been struggling. This has been a real challenge for me, which is a great learning experience, but it has definitely heightened my stress level. I was really afraid that we were not performing the piece the way that Kevin had intended when he wrote it, and I desperately didn't want him to be disappointed with us. Also, add to this my scary amount of lines. This piece is like a 15 minute monologue, including some thoughts which aren't very connected, therefore making the piece hard to memorize. I pretty much memorized it on Sunday and Monday, and by now (with the help of Heavenly Father I am sure) I have it all there. It's pretty amazing. We've had tech all week, and last night was the first time Kevin saw the show. And he said that we did a great job! Really, his opinion of the show is the most important for me. Tonight we had a full run through, at which time he repeaed his praises of the show. Of course, so much is due to his script, but it felt so good to get affirmation on what I was doing. I haven't really felt good about my performance in this show until tonight. I am so grateful for people who express their feelings on shows; in other words, people who honestly tell me what they think of the show and my performance. It helps so much.

Eric Samuelsen is a professor at BYU, and one that I have heard a Lot about through Logan and Sylvia. I almost feel like I know him, except that I had never personally spoken with him before. But tonight he asked Sylvia who I was, and actually complimented me! He started talking with me, which was kind of weird because he knew nothing about me, when I knew so much about him. But it made me really happy.

Huzzah for Fringe. I wish I had encouraged more people to come and see it. Now that I have seen how everything works and that I'm not going to suck, I wish I had publicized it better. Ah well. I just hope that Lindsay does come, despite her jerkiness.

So I have to go to work in an hour and a half. But first I must do my Family History project. Craziness this is. I'm not so concerned about sleep except that Fringe requires a good amount of energy.

After our run through, I went out with Logan, Sylvia, Shelby, and Kevin. It was delightful, and much needed. I've been a bit depressed lately. Partly because of a situation in which my roommate and myself like the same guy, but she totally has him; otherwise, I have no idea why I'm depressed. Maybe because my schoolwork is running away from me. That can be remedied next week.

Scattered thoughts. I'll gather them later.