Thursday, August 16, 2007

Every day is a moving day

It is ridiculous what I am giving away to D.I. I hate throwing some of this stuff out, but I am being scrupulous since my move to Seattle will be difficult enough without a TON of stuff that I just enjoy sometimes rather than need. I mean, I don't need a ball. I just like to have one around in case I feel like kicking it. Or a strawberry rug, it's been spread on my floor since freshman year, but I don't NEED it, so it's going. I wouldn't say I'm a packrat. I'd just say that I'm a potential scrapbooker, damn good collager, and an actor who feels the need to keep every bit of clothing or accessory because it very well might come in handy one day as a costume piece. I know I've been feeling the wrath of the purger within since I could really use a couple of clothing pieces in Julius Caesar which I threw out a few months ago. Half of my shoes are going, but if I haven't worn it in a year, it's gone no questions asked. I have enough to carry what with a TV, bookcase, chair, plus my many odds and ends. Moving is going to get a lot more difficult once I invest in a bed.

I hate moving. I kind of really like the purging part, but the uprooting part sucks. I hate feeling like I don't have a home, where I belong no matter what. MY space. I don't think I'll have that again til I get to Seattle. Ug.

It's Thursday. I'm supposed to be out on Saturday. Whereto? I am not at all sure. Lots of rehearsal time and work time come between me and being prepared to move somewhere on Saturday. I'm feeling a little stressed. And by a little I mean immensely.