Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Beauty Authority

I am officially a permanent castmember of Sephora. I will be going to NYC for five days of fabulous training. I unfortunately cannot go with the rest of the new castmembers to the training in Washington D.C. because they are going the week of my auditions. Boo. It would have been a lot of fun. Oh well, move on.

Now that that worry is over, I immediately move on to worry a LOT about how many hours they are going to give me. I have a feeling that the full-time I asked for isn't going to happen.

Rochester is bleak today so I am going to pull closed the curtains and watch a movie about Edith Piaf. Though that may not be much brighter. But there's been some Oscar buzz over this girl's performance, so I hope it's a good one.