Monday, March 23, 2009

Am I in Xanadu?

After my big trip and disruption of normal programming, I finally had a day off unhindered by any sort of Plan. So my plan was to get back to "normal". Including, primarily, a trip to Whole Foods and a much-needed trip to the gym. Hahaha.

My day was delightful, and probably needed, and it didn't adhere to my plan. It included a trip to the dog park (dogs are so therapeutic, they get you out of the house, into the sunshine, in the company of other nice people and animals), catching up on TV (goodbye Big Love), tidying up the common living areas, grocery shopping (not to Whole Foods, but to Gristedes which is closer and not as fulfilling), and cooking, baking, movie-watching. And eating Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Sarah and I have visited a certain bar/restaurant in the Village which serves a certain Most Delicious Sandwich in the World Either of Us Have Ever Tasted. It is a panini. It has eggplant, goat cheese, and garlic. The combination is simple and heavenly. After stumbling upon it's existence on a previous outing months ago, we returned last week specifically for said sandwich. We had literally been talking about this sandwich for at least three months. Both times we've split it, and regretted doing so as it is so delicious we could both consume five whole sandwiches in one sitting. So today we had the brilliant idea of recreating the sandwich in our very own kitchen. And I must say that my first experiment with eggplant (did you know it is technically a berry?), as weird as this produce item is, was a success. We need better bread, less salt, and ideally a panini-press, and we are in business creating the Most Delicious Sandwich in the World every week for our very own consumption. You can come over, we'll share.

And what is a day off at home without baking up a little vegan treat? Today it was Apple Peanut Butter Caramel Bars. Oh, pardon me, let me wipe that drool off the keyboard. I think the title sums up the experience.

And throughout the kitchen marathon: Before Sunrise and Before Sunset playing in the background. What could be better?

Lately we've been thinking of moving out of the Heights. But a small experience today made me very glad we stayed. Walking to the grocery store on St. Nicholas, we suddenly passed a cloud of glittery confetti. A CLOUD. Not some confetti sweeping down the street, a CLOUD of glitter and confetti traveling down the street. Out of nowhere. It reminded me of that episode of Ducktales where that cloud is blowing around town, and the Beagle Boys are vanishing everything with a ray gun. The pieces soon separated from the pack, swirling around the feet of weary New Yorkers, rolling down the pavement, and gradually scattering. We were mesmerized.

Washington Heights is a magical place. Or I live in a musical.


Lindsay Anne said...

Excellent Ducktales allusion.

Anonymous said...

So, is Big Love over or have you sworn it off because they messed with your religious sensibilities?

voyageuse said...

Hells no, I love that show. Big Love's season finale was last night. Best writing on TV. They are very clear about drawing the line of distinction between polygamists and LDS, and they are extremely respectful of the LDS religion, even if they do question some of the beliefs.

Whoever's complaining about this show needs to get a little less defensive.

Rebecca said...

The season finale of Big Love - HOLY SMOKES. I love that show. LOVE. Now that Battlestar Galactica is over, Big Love is without competition for Best Show On TV. I can't believe it's going to be something like 9 months until we get more!

Your day sounds GREAT. Rachel and I watched Misery and made food, which was a BLAST. I love watching scary movies with her because she LAUGHS during the really freaky parts.

We must trade treat recipes!