Monday, October 18, 2004

"People always say you should be yourself... yourself is this definite thing, like a toaster, or something. Like you can know what it is, even. But every so often, I'll have like -- a moment, where being myself, and my life right where I am is, like, enough." ~Angela Chase (My So-Called Life)

Life is good. I'm pretty concerned about fitting in "Bus Stop" stuff as well as "A Generation Raised in Propriety" stuff. They kind of cancel each other out. But I think things will work out. We're going to rehearse on Mondays for "Generation" which is good. I quit my job because I realized it was madness to even attempt to do my two shows plus work and a job. But now I truly am moneyless, which is a concern.

Today I had to to my 2nd preview in Acting Classics for "All's Well that Ends Well" as well as my final performance of "Comedy of Errors". I was a little worried. But I think it turned out ok. My comedic scene certainly seemed to, and I didn't horribly humiliate myself with the 'tragic' one.

There really isn't that much news to record. Just that things with Katie are much better now, my theatre group of friends is going to start doing FHE on sunday nights, I continue on with schoolwork, and I saw "Garden State" for a third time on Saturday. It made me cry again. It just connects. It was so autumnal today. I woke to the sounds of pouring rain and swished up the hill, lugging my abnormal amount of stuff for the day, with my mittens curled around the handle of my umbrella. It was a cocoa day.
