Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Will you know you've been deceived?

My words confuse you
My eyes don’t move a blink
Cause it’s easier sometimes
Not to be sincere
Somehow I make you believe

When I speak I cross my fingers
Will you know you’ve been deceived?
I find a need to be the demon
A demon cannot be hurt

Honest is easy
Fiction is where genius lies
Cause it’s easier sometimes
Not to be involved
Somehow I make you believe

When I speak I cross my fingers
Will you know you’ve been deceived?
I find a need to be the demon
A demon cannot be hurt

~"Demon" by Guster

This song is so in sync with my life right now. I feel rather dramatic. But it's true. Things are a little strained, but it's because of me. I have problems, which I need to leave behind. I just don't want to have to be the one. I'm definitely behaving the demon right now. It must be difficult on her part too. At least she's getting what we both want though. I just have to continue without, as always.

Today pretty much sucks, but only because of my emotional submission. I pretty much just have to suck it up, and realize how great my life is right now. I have awesome friends who care about me, I'm taking awesome classes, I have a means of earning money, and I'm in a show. All great things.

Nevertheless, Guster's 'Goldfly' is the music of choice today. My angry, frustrated music. What would I do without you? I think my new cd of Rachael Yamagata would lead me to tears. I would prefer to stay with angry.