Sunday, March 11, 2007

In Elizabeth's words, "welcome to Hell, party of two."

I think my sense of well-being is amazing. I don't understand how for two days you can feel freaking miserable, and then you wake up on the third day and you're back to feeling ok about life. I guess it's a good thing, but perhaps if I understood I could kick it into gear a little sooner. Yesterday I tried so hard to think of something that would make me feel better, distract me, get me out of myself, something, anything. Nothing helped and I was miserable. And today I feel like I will be ok. Yes, this semester really sucks for me. A lot. But my life isn't hopeless. Yesterday I really felt like it was. Today I will finally clean my room. Maybe actually decorate it a little. For my whole college existence the decorating of my room has been very important. I didn't feel settled or like my space was my own until it was decorated, covered over with pictures of things that I loved. This year, I never did it. My walls have remained more or less bare. And now it's more than halfway through winter semester and I feel like I should and actually will get around to it.

Sometimes I miss Europe the most because of the parks they have. Why doesn't Provo have a good park? I would go ramble today. Maybe I should just take off to Europe for a year.

I don't want to graduate and leave. But maybe it is exactly what I need. Provo is where I want to be because it's familiar and not intimidating. But maybe I would be happier somewhere else. Maybe it is time to go. Six months from now...