Tuesday, May 22, 2007

He is trampling out the vintage where...

Thrillionaires Steinbeck night. It took a longer time to get my clothes and myself dirty than I expected. I was lucky it rained yesterday, so there was plenty of mud to rub all over me. I cut and ripped up some old jeans and a shirt, discolered them with coffee and mud, and voila: migrant worker in Salinas Valley. For the second half of our show we did a musical a la O, Brother Where Art Thou? So we asked the audience for an epic story we could retell, and they gave us... Star Wars. I was Chewbacca, or Cheryl, yes! And I spoke in such a thick southern twang that no one could understand me, except of course my good buddy John Solitaire, a.k.a. Han Solo. Good times at the Velour.

I watched 'East of Eden' the other night to prepare-- good film. That James Dean.