Friday, May 25, 2007

summer lovin'

What I need to do this summer:
-Float down the Provo River
-Go CAMPING. I want to go asap. S'mores and stars and wilderness and chilly sunrises.
-Go to Disneyland if it wasn't so crazy expensive. I've never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld, and I think that's sad. I need to go. Just once. Before I have kids. Is that too much to ask? I just want to go to the happiest place on earth.
-I would like to get to the Spiral Jetty one more time, but driving there scares me. Last time it ruined my brakes. But it's my favorite place in Utah.
-Go to St. George to see Jenny in Tuacahn
-Go to Seattle to feel it out, investigate about living there
-Have some crazy summer fun. Outside.

What I wish I could do: buy a scooter! My friend let me drive his last week (very trusting of him) and it was DELIGHTFUL. And so much less gas. And did I mention that it filled me to the brim with the delight of simple pleasures? I want one. I would consider buying one instead of a car for a while if I was thinking about living someplace where it didn't rain every other day. Parking is so much better. Gas is so much better. Driving is so much better. I'm in love.

And wouldn't this post be so much more interesting with pictures? Well, I'm at work, so I'm not going to bother with pictures. But let's talk about how my computer is not blog-picture friendly. Have you noticed how I've apparently been watching Tess of the D'Urbervilles for a few months now? I very much enjoyed that miniseries, but I have not been watching it for a few months. My computer WON'T let me switch the picture. Well, to be fair, I don't know if it's my computer or internet connection. But blogger is loath to let me post pictures in my blogs as well. It takes a while. And I can't preview what they look like while I'm writing a post. It's bothersome. I would so much rather have a fun, picture-filled blog. It delights the eye, and delighting the eye is what I'm all about.


Erin said...

Gabe and Matt live near Disneyland. I bet they would let you stay with them and would even escort you to Disneyland. They are pros - know how to do it right for minimum line-waiting and maximum ride-taking. Look into it. Make one of your wishes come true.