Monday, February 04, 2008

Maybe I'm falling in love with Chicago.

I got up and driving before the sun and made great time to Chicago. I arrived here at 4:00 EST, but 3:00 Chicago time. I have a very nice room. After parking my car for an exorbitant fee, I headed to my beloved hotel of last year, the Hampton Inn Majestic, because there is some great shopping around there. Why shop first thing instead of napping (which I should have been doing)? Because after sharing my audition outfit with my family yesterday I felt less than stellar about it. I feel better now, after purchasing a really cute white shirt to go underneath my vest. Small adjustment, but makes me feel way better. And why, may I ask, are the stores here 100% better than their sister stores at Eastview Mall? I speak specifically of H&M, Forever 21, and Macys. The Macys here makes the Eastview Macys look like K-Mart, the lowest of the low in my opinion. It was super fancy with a Lush! I smelled it before I saw it, and I smiled. Not to go on and on about a Macys, but you should have seen the building, it was a gorgeous building, all art nouveau and mosaic tiled. A dream. And they had like every cosmetic and skin care line you can think of. I love being in a city.

Moving on, this is why I am falling in love with Chicago: today, the city was shrouded in fog, and it was so beautiful and so eerie. I don't know if I've ever seen fog like that in a city. It's what I imagine London fog to be like, but it never happened when I was in London. The moisture just hung in the air, so thickly. There is So much beautiful architecture in Chicago and the buildings would just disappear and reappear around you. And WHY OH WHY did I not take my camera with me?! There were people taking pictures all over the place and I was so sad I couldn't capture the evening myself. The buildings are beautiful, and people here are pretty friendly, and it was NOT freaking freezing like last year. Perhaps that is why I was so surprised to see how lovely Chicago is today, because last year I couldn't notice it as I was freezing to death every time I stepped outside. I walked around sans coat and was just fine. Chicago actually seems preeeeetty artsy.

I bought my soy milk, hung up my clothes, did a little yoga. Now if only I could just go to sleep. But Caitlin and Phil's flight was way delayed, and I HAVE to show them my monologues before I head to my first audition tomorrow morning.


Sara said...

I loved Chicago when I visited last year- it was in the summer though and DEAD hot. My friends I stayed with are really involved in the art community and showed/introduced me to a ton of really great venues and people around there. There is this one building that houses different artists about a block away from Millenium park. I would suggest checking it out- it was really beautiful and ornate, they still had elevator operators and everything. Tons of small theatre and dance companies in there too. Really beautiful. Good Luck! I'm excited to hear how this goes for you!!